Getting into legal trouble at the federal level is a different ball game, and you are likely aware that it can be life-altering. Suppose you’re in this predicament due to federal drug charges; it can feel like you’re wading through deep waters with a risk of drowning....
Helping Clients Protect Their Future and Their Liberty
Federal Criminal Defense
Facing the feds: Understanding the challenges of a federal trial
Stepping into a federal courtroom can feel like entering a different legal universe. The core principles of American justice remain steadfast, but it is not the same as facing a state court. To navigate this unfamiliar terrain, you must understand the unique...
Drug souvenirs from vacation could lead to federal charges
Someone who is returning to the United States from Mexico may travel in a motor vehicle instead of an airplane. It may be more cost-effective to drive to Mexico and back, and it is often faster for those who live in Texas. Unfortunately, land travel lends itself to...