Texas has always taken a hard stance against prostitution. Those who provide sex for money or goods often face criminal charges if they get caught. You may think police officers only target prostitutes in solicitation cases, but that is not so. Those seeking sexual...
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Sex Crimes
When is “sexting” illegal in Texas?
These days, most teens and adults have a personal smartphone. It’s not unusual for someone to spend a few hours a day browsing online or scrolling through social media. One of the facilities that’s so attractive about these phones is the ability to send high-quality...
2 mistakes you need to avoid when facing a rape accusation
It is a devastating reality, but it happens: People misuse the justice system from time to time for revenge, to gain an upper hand or otherwise punish another person by falsely accusing them of rape. What do you do in such a case? If you are falsely accused of rape,...
What does the Texas revenge porn law prohibit?
Mobile devices make it easier for people to quickly connect with one another and to share more of their lives with people who may not live anywhere near them. Although it was once quite rare for people to take racy photos for their romantic partners or record videos...
Texas can charge you for sending unsolicited nudes
Social media and mobile phones have made finding a new romantic partner faster than ever before in human history. With a few taps, you can start connecting to people who have the same relationship goals that you do, whether those goals involve marriage or a short-term...
How do you ask for consent?
Many people who are accused of sex crimes, specifically when the other person says that they didn't have consent, claim that they just didn't know how to ask for it in the heat of the moment. They weren't sure what to say or what to do. They just tried to interpret...
You have been falsely accused of child sexual assault
You opened the door recently to find two uniformed police officers on your doorstep. When you asked how you could help them, they floored you by saying that you had been accused of sexually assaulting at least one of your children. At the police station, you tried to...
Have you been falsely accused of sexual assault?
Being falsely accused of sexual can be frightening, overwhelming and devastating. The consequences of a conviction can impact your life in multiple ways. It is important that you know how to protect your rights, reputation and freedom if you are facing false sexual...
How is sexual assault prosecuted?
If you've been accused of sexual assault in Texas, you might feel worried about your legal options. It's often frightening to be the object of such accusations. However, don't make any assumptions about the outcome. There is a standard legal process for handling sex...
What is the sex offender registry?
While many states may have sex offender registries, the U.S. government also has a national registry that searches all of the states’ registries and can be used to find anyone who has been added to that list. The website, the Dru Sjodin National Sex Offender Public...