Eyewitnesses can be convincing and can help a prosecutor score a conviction. However, they are not infallible. Here are some of the ways you might challenge one who is accusing you of a crime: 1. Challenge their vision Some of us can see better than others. Some...
Helping Clients Protect Their Future and Their Liberty
Criminal Defense
Why should you read a search warrant carefully?
If the police turn up at your door with a search warrant, you may just assume you have to let them in to do as they please. This, is not true, however. While you probably do need to let them in, the first thing you should do is ask to read the warrant they say they...
Have the prosecution made errors in your case?
Facing criminal charges can be very daunting, particularly when your liberty, profession and personal life are on the line. With that said, being charged does not mean guilt. You have a right to a criminal defense and the prosecution doesn't always get things right. ...
Police may not need your phone to read your messages
People often communicate on their phones through text messages or direct messages. In fact, modern phone users often text more than they call. This means of communication has simply taken over, and so it is one place that police often look when conducting an...
What crimes can lead to deportation?
As a non-citizen in the United States, upholding the law is essential to maintaining your continued stay. A criminal conviction can affect your immigration status, including the possibility of deportation or removal from the U.S. Understanding the crimes that can...
What is the fruit of the poisonous tree?
There are many legal doctrines that people are not necessarily aware of until they encounter them themselves. After facing arrest, they suddenly begin looking into their options, and things are more complicated than they assumed. One of these legal doctrines is called...
3 things people should know about the Miranda warning
An individual has certain rights extended to them under the Constitution. Both federal and state Constitutional rights protect people from misconduct on the part of agents working for the state. Those facing a criminal investigation or arrested by police officers are...
When can Texans get immunity from drug charges?
Did you know that Texas has a law that can protect someone from relatively minor drug possession charges if police discover the alleged offense only because they called 911 or sought emergency help in some other way for someone they believed to be suffering an...
What Texans should know about the “Failure to Identify” law
Many people aren’t sure what to do if they’re stopped and questioned by police – whether in their vehicle, on a sidewalk or in any space. Some people answer their questions and then some, either because they’re confident they’ve done nothing wrong, or they hope that...
Running from the police will not help
Being stopped by the police can be an intimidating experience, particularly if there is any accusation that you have broken the law. In situations like this, it is not uncommon for the fight or flight response to kick in. Nonetheless, you must manage this. It is...