You probably feel scared and confused following your arrest on charges that fall under the white collar crime umbrella. Most defendants have no idea what to expect or how the alleged offense will be prosecuted. Some white collar offenses are handled on the state...
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White Collar Crimes
Are white collar crimes addressed on the state or federal level?
Most white collar crimes are federal-level offenses because they usually cross state lines. For example, wire fraud involves financial crimes using telecommunications technology, which stretches across invisible barriers (including state lines). Although these...
Can a downloaded song, film or book be considered a crime?
Today’s technology has given people the privilege of getting anything with a quick search online. People are just a click away from just about anything digital. But, all of this can come at a price. While it’s unlikely you’ll get in trouble from checking the news or...
Restitution is likely if you’re convicted on white collar charges
White-collar crimes are often financially-motivated offenses. Instead of suffering physical injuries, the victims of white collar crimes usually suffer economic losses -- and those losses can be significant. Because of this, no conversation about a white collar...
White collar crime: Texas doctor charged with federal health care fraud
White collar crimes are those that do not involve violence, but rather dishonesty or deception in order to get an illegal financial or other similar benefit. These crimes usually are committed by people in their professions or jobs, or in other positions of trust like...
Health care kickbacks lead to heavy penalties
In generations past, it was common for a doctor to receive gifts as payment for services. A grateful family may have sent baked goods or produce, or a helpful doctor may have accepted more elaborate offerings in lieu of money. Those simple times are gone, and a more...
White collar criminal charges: Times have changed
Whether you work for a small or large company or you are an entrepreneur or a businessperson, you are no doubt aware of the fraud, corruption and embezzlement scandals that have made headlines in recent years. While big news stories involve government agencies and the...
Don’t let embezzlement charges steal your future
Many criminal offenses fall under the title of "white collar crimes." Such crimes fall into this category because they rely on the following: Deceit Manipulation Deception Subterfuge Breach of trust Illegal circumvention Some of the crimes that the U.S. Department of...