Those arrested for drug offenses in Dallas County frequently worry about what criminal charges might mean for their future. Even a possession offense could lead to felony charges, depending on the circumstances. Those who plead guilty or get convicted during a trial...
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Drug Crimes
3 ways people violate Texas drug laws with prescription drugs
Prescription drugs are legally available to the public only with the recommendation of a physician. Despite strict laws controlling various medications, people often assume that they can do whatever they want after they obtain a prescription medication from a...
3 factors that courts consider in a prescription drug case
Those who consume or sell prohibited drugs like methamphetamine understand the risk inherent in their activity. Those at risk of criminal prosecution because of their behavior with prescription medications are often less sure of their legal situation and the...
Can you share prescription medications?
Prescription medications have become a significant issue in the United States. They are responsible for many overdose deaths, as they can be quite addictive. People will often use them recreationally, taking more and more as their tolerance goes up, or perhaps...
Tips for avoiding constructive possession charges
Drug possession is one of the most serious offenses in the country. In Texas, you may face significant penalties depending on the substance in question. However, you may be arrested for drugs that aren't yours or were unaware you were in possession of them. As long...
Elements that may make drug charges more severe
According to Texas law, specific elements can make penalties for drug charges worse. If you have been charged with a drug crime, it is important to know what the prosecuting attorney may do or use to add penalties to your current drug charges. Where the offense...
Innocent mistakes with prescriptions can lead to serious charges
It’s often said that ignorance is no excuse when it comes to legal charges. Just because someone made a mistake and didn’t understand that what they were doing was illegal doesn’t mean that they can shake those charges by explaining this to the court. They are still...
What does drug paraphernalia mean in Texas?
It can be confusing and overwhelming if you face drug charges in Texas. Because of what's at stake, you must understand the charges and potential penalties. In Texas, drug offenses can take on several forms, with some resulting in more serious federal charges. While...
How the chain of custody errors could affect your drug charges
When the police find drugs on you or your property after a search, they will arrest you for, say, drug possession or trafficking and confiscate the contraband. The drugs will then be presented as evidence and form a significant part of the prosecution’s case against...
3 ways prescription drugs can lead to your arrest
Individuals accused of drug offenses in Texas typically face harsh criminal consequences. Texas has notoriously strict drug prohibition laws. Even drugs that are legal or decriminalized in other states, like marijuana, are still fully illegal here in Texas and can...