Facing criminal charges can be a life-altering experience, colored by the kind of anxiety and uncertainty that can keep you up at night. If you are facing criminal charges, your instinct – especially in the middle of the night – might be to turn to social media for...
Helping Clients Protect Their Future and Their Liberty
Criminal Defense
Is a police officer obligated to be honest?
If you go to court, they may ask you to swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. If you get arrested by a police officer, that officer may advise you that anything you say or do can be used against you in a court of law. Your words are incredibly...
Can officers search through your trash?
When the police want to conduct a search and gather evidence, they need to be aware of where the public has an expectation of privacy. For instance, if they want to search someone’s home or car, they may need to either get a warrant or get that person’s consent. There...
Why a motion for severance may be needed to get a fair trial
If you’re arrested for allegedly committing a crime with one or more other people, you may be looking at being tried along with those other defendants in a joint trial – and that could increase your chances of conviction. That’s why it’s important to understand the...
How drowsy driving can get you in serious trouble
Driving while drowsy can seem harmless but can lead to serious trouble, especially in Texas. It is critical to understand what drowsy driving is, how it happens and what the consequences are if you take the risk of driving while under this state of impairment, so we...
Criminal offenses and immigration status
Criminal charges can lead to severe consequences for anyone. However, this may be worse for non-citizens, as they may face deportation. Thus, it's crucial for immigrants to be informed about how criminal offenses can affect their immigration status. Here is what you...
Alternative sentences following a felony conviction
People facing criminal charges often want to know what type of sentence they’ll face if they’re convicted. While many are focused on whether they’ll face time in prison or not, there are also other sentences they may have to face. Some of the other sentences that a...
When the police ask questions, do you have to answer?
Being questioned by the police is not a fun experience. Even if you know that you’ve done nothing wrong, it probably puts you on edge. You feel like you have to answer their questions and that they’re in control of the whole situation. You may even be worried about...

When do actions amount to a criminal conspiracy
Criminal conspiracy involves an agreement between two or more people to commit an illegal act. The agreement may be direct or implied and does not necessarily have to be written down. The main aspect of criminal conspiracy is a unity of purpose by the parties involved...

Jail time has a negative impact on young offenders
Tail time for young offenders, such as those who are still minors, has been used less often in recent years. But it is still used in many cases, with the hope that it will rehabilitate these young individuals. People often feel that longer jail sentences are the key...