Probation Revocation
Probation is a type of sentence that may be imposed on a convicted criminal. It allows you to remain in the community, provided you follow certain terms and conditions. Since probation is a temporary order, it can be taken away if you don’t follow these conditions, or if you commit a new offense during the period of probation.
If you are facing probation revocation, contact an experienced Dallas criminal attorney as soon as possible. I am Dallas criminal defense attorney Mark A. Perez, and I have successfully represented countless individuals in probation cases.
What Is The Probation Revocation Process?
In Texas, probation revocation is started by the probation officer’s faith that an infringement or probation violation deserving revocation has taken place. If or when a revocation hearing is planned, it is the probationer’s entitlement to testify for him or herself, and to bring in his or her own witnesses and have an attorney in attendance. Most jurisdictions offer the individual the right to selected counsel.
It is very important to select a highly qualified and experienced lawyer to act as your advocate in this process, because having your probation revoked may mean that you will have to return to jail, or even enter jail for the first time. Whether your original charges were violent crimes or sex crimes, I have the experience to represent you effectively.
Why Work With Me?
As a former prosecutor of white collar crimes with over 30 years of legal experience, I have the extensive knowledge necessary to help you through the probation revocation process. I can tell you what to expect, and help you understand all of your options.
I use my prosecution experience to anticipate the opposition’s strategies, which helps me defend my clients. But perhaps most importantly, I offer personal attention to all my clients: I will never be hard to reach, and I will always take the time to listen to your story. Se habla español.
Contact Attorney Mark E. Perez Today
The sooner we start working together, the better prepared we can be for your probation revocation hearing. To schedule your free consultation, contact me online or call 214-646-1557.