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“Good moral character” violations and immigration in Dallas

On Behalf of | May 28, 2021 | Immigration

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services deem that to become a citizen of the United States, an immigrant living in Texas, or anywhere else in the country, will have to prove they have Good Moral Character (GMC). On their application, the person must prove that they’re a person with a good sense of morals.

Opposite of that, there are offenses that a person can commit that prove they don’t have good moral character. If a person commits an offense at any point in their life that is considered a violation of GMC, this may impact their chances of becoming a U.S. Citizen.

What would be considered a violation of GMC?

Most times, any federal or state crime would be considered a violation of GMC. While the exact laws might vary from state to state, some of the following crimes might impact Immigration and Naturalization status:

  • Violation of any law regarding controlled substances
  • Driving under the influence
  • Prostitution
  • Incarceration for 180 days
  • Being sentenced to jail for five years or more

Violation of GMC doesn’t always have to be a crime though. Immigration and naturalization status might also be put at risk if it’s found that the person has failed to support their dependents, has committed adultery, or is a habitual drunkard.

In addition, if a person commits a violent crime – also known as a Crime Involving Moral Turpitude – that would be considered an automatic violation of GMC.

Can violations of GMC be reversed?

There’s a lot of blurred lines when it comes to GMC violations. There are things to consider, like permanent bars to establishing GMC as well as conditional bars.

Each violation is looked at on a case-by-case basis. If you have questions as to how good moral character violations can impact your immigration and naturalization status, reach out to a lawyer today to discuss your options.
